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Showing posts from May, 2011

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New things, new beginnings

It's time for five minutes of writing without editing again. Joining The Gypsy mama . Today we're writing about : When seasons change . Thinking about this and writing for 5 minutes, this came out. when seasons change something new begins. No matter where we are in life, there's always a chance to start over again. To be the person that we want to be, to start a new chapter in our lives. We always get a chance to start over with God. God Who with His loving arms is waiting for us to follow His perfect plan for our lives who makes room for our mistakes for the times that we choose our own path , our own plan and He is waiting for us to return with our hearts totally open and dedicated to Him to listen to hear what He wants to say. What His plans are,. What 'His next' is... Instead of our next. He is faithful and will continue to guide us and promnpt us in to His perfect plan for out lives. We gat the chance to miss the boat now and then but we...

More than just a mum

Becoming a mum of three first only made me feel that I was really a mum more than anything else. I’m learning that to be a better mum you also have to make time for yourself though. Because as fulfilling as the job of a mum might be you’re always something more than just a mum. And I think that that is something that we as mums should not forget. I notice that I tend to feel a bit guilty sometimes if I do anything else than taking care of children,cooking and housework. But doing just that does make me feel less happy as well. On Mothersday I watched the movie Motherhood which is about the struggles of motherhood. The mum from the movie is also writing blogs in her free moments and is planning to enter into a writing competition which could result in her having her own income. But the story is actually about her planning a party for her daughter who is turning 6. In the end her husband who collects old books hands her over a check of 24000 euro so she can put her toddler son at p...

Money earning mum

Nevaeh-Divine is now 3 months old. Yay ! I'm scheduled to go back to work next month but I'm planning to take some additional leave so I can stay home longer. And I'm trying to look for opportunities to work from home so I won't have to go back fulltime. I'm becoming an Avon Business Developer and am looking for possibilities to earn money with writing but if I'm realistic I won't earn enough to be able to afford not going back to work next month.It's going to be a great challenge for our family to only live on one income for a while which brings tears to my eyes. I remember how hard it was last time I decided to take additional leave. At the other hand when I applied to become an Avon BD, I felt quite guilty because I felt- even though it would be working from home-it would be taking time away that is for the kids, not realising I'm due to go back to earning money so soon. It kind of broke my heart because I love this fulltime mothering and Nevaeh ...

God knows and sees...

It's Friday again so it's time for Five minute Friday from the Gypsy Mama. Five minutes writing without editing. So I had another try. Today we're writing about 'Deep breath' Here we go. Deep breath , when I look at all my three children how they seem happy and content at a certain moment in time while just a few moments ago they all seemed to be crying out for me at the same time. A deep breath ,knowing these moments -when all or just one cries and there's nothing that you can do about it right away because you're already taking care of another sibling who needs you - will always pass away in just a little while. A deep breath, knowing that the Lord is with you and sees you and watches over you and your children. A deep breath, knowing that they will be alright even if they have to wait a little while and you have to let them cry. For God knows and sees. Your every step and every breath , also every time you t...

My favourite Avon buy & Give away...(closed)

The Give away is closed and the winner is..... Debra Congratulations Debra. Thanks to everyone for participating. Watch out for other giveaways coming up soon... ... --------------------------------------------------------- As I mentioned before, apart from selling Avon I'm also a frequent Avon buyer. There are a lot of things that I love from Avon from shower gels and make up to jewelry and from time to time I will share with you my favourite products. My favourite buy from Avon would be my cake stand from Country Rose. I love the pattern, the red with white polkadots. The top plate has a border with pink polka dots on white. The sad thing about it is that the top plate broke the other day because something fell on top of it. So I' ll have to look for another one. But here's a pic. Yesterday I finally received a package from the company I work for as a present for the birth of Nevaeh-Divine. Thank you UPS. Because I know how nice it is to get gifts and...

Treat yourself

Happy mothersday to all mums from all over the world. Today I feel a bit of a sensation even though I live in one of those countries that don't celebrate mothersday today. Here in the Republic of Ireland we already celebrated Mothersday in April So it s strange to know that it is mothersday again But being a mum I feel excited and happy for all the mums in the world. As you might know I'm selling Avon products even though I'm on a short break now but I will be starting soon again, God willing. In one of the books the reps get , I found a piece about how to do use mascara which I want to share. We mothers often pay litte attention to how we look because we feel that we are too busy. I'm one of those mums. Lately I'm having bad hair days on a daily basis and I don't do much to change it and hardly take the time to put make up on Except for Sunday when I go to church. Most Sundays I try a bit harder. I think it's important for us mums to take go...

Happy to clean

Sometimes I wish I was some kind of superwoman. That next to taking care of two kids under two and a 6 year old I also would be able to make the whole house spotless by myself every day and still have enough time to spend with the kids and enough time for me. At the moment we're sharing the house with my husbands cousin so I've assigned a few chores to him and my husband but it doesn't really go so well yet. And in a way I wish I could do it all by myself. Believe it or not I love cleaning even though there are nicer things to do. But I love having a clean house and it also makes me feel good about myself. At the moment I'm trying to get my house a bit more organised So I'm planning to buy laundry baskets in different colors for everyone to put their laundry in. I'm also looking for ideas to get more house work done. I'm planning to purchase an e-book for motivated moms (I will write about this in a future post) but have also come across this e-book. ...

Designed to be a mum

So today Five minute Friday is on again and I'm going to make another attempt to write for five minutes about a subject without editing. This week it's about Motherhood should come with.... Go ... A revelation that every woman is designed to become a mother. So even if we struggle or feel overwhelmed at times, we can rest in the assurance that God has created us with the ability to be the best mother that we can be for our children. Every woman is created with just the right tools and ingredients that she needs in her job as a mum. God makes no mistake and He knows that we are more than able to do our job right. All we need to do is reach within us and we will find what we need : an extra portion of love, patience, flexiblity, strength, creativity and a sense of humour. All of those things will get us through and we will find that little by little we have turned into the mother that He has planned (and designed) that we should be. Stop I did it. LOL ...

What are/wear you wearing today ?

Well, I'm not a fashionista and my wardrobe doesn't represent the latest fashion at all.I rather buy clothes for my girls then something for me actually and after giving birth for the third time I don't fit in a lot of clothes that I own anymore. So it's time to finally go shopping for myself . The bigger girls need some clothes as well so we're probably going to head to Penneys this weekend. One thing that I've seen and am planning to get is a long summer dress with flower print and a short light blue jeans jacket. A bit like this. Seems this is a picture from two years ago from Bicole Ritchie LOL Anyway, I think at least dresses with flowers are in fsashion this spring/summer and I do see people wearing a dress with jacket still. But anyway, I like the item : what are you wearing today ? So just for fun .this is what I am wearing .. Black with white polka dots top borrowed from my mother and she let me keep it. Black maternit...

Easter break is over

Yesterday Ixora went back to school after a break of 2 weeks and a day. I wasn't really looking forward to school starting again. But she seemed to be excited when I told her a few days before that she was going back to school I actually had mixed emotions about it.I liked having her home and doing fun things together, even though we didn't get to do as much outdoors as I had planned. On the other hand it should be more quiet One less kid to deal with. But she's really not that hard to deal with in the first place. Most of the time at least. And last night she fell asleep early. A time we would love her to go to bed every day .So I was glad but sad at the same time. Because I missed her a bit. I've lost my little companion a little bit Well, it's only for a few houes per day. but still....I'm sure I 'll get used to it again. Two more months amd then she'll be going on Summer break. I hope we'll be able to get out more often. But she...