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Testimony Thursday: Back to school part 2

Most of this post was written a while ago before my laptop broke. I initially wrote it as an assignment for one of the Childcare modules that I did and since it is a few months ago now, I had to edit it.

When my oldest daughter Ixora was a toddler of one years old, we spent a few months in Suriname (South America) , where Ixora’s dad was born and where my parents are originally from. I had planned to start working again when we would return to Holland so I decided that it would be a good idea to put her in a crèche or playschool in Suriname in the mornings, so she would get used to going to such a place. We went to a lot of different places but it was hard to find a place that met all my expectations.
The people who owned the childcare centres all had great intentions but every time I missed something. I also noticed that a lot of childcare workers didn’t have any qualifications to work in childcare as this apparently wasn’t required there.

In the end, I found a play school that has most of what I was looking for and my daughter ended up having a great time there. But in my heart something was born: a dream, a desire. One day, I was going to start my own childcare centre and it would exactly be how I thought that it should be. I decided that one day I would go back and start that childcare centre there, but that I wouldn’t do it without getting training first because I wanted to be fully equipped when I started one.

Six years ( and two more children ) later  (and now living in Ireland)  I was advised to try to get a place for a free course. I would then be able to get free childcare and this would benefit my second daughter Yovannah who seemed to be a bit behind with her language skills. I had decided that I was going to choose ECDL because that would suit me the best. The work that I had been doing so far had an administrative nature. Getting more knowledge of computer programmes would’ve been very beneficial for me if I’d go back to work one day.

I went to the Open day to sign up for an ECDL course but I remembered that someone mentioned that there was a childcare course available as well and since I always wanted to do a childcare course’ one day’ , it somehow clicked inside and I decided to sign up for that as well. A few days later I received a phone call. They offered me a place on the childcare course. I was delighted that I got in and excited to learn something new.

So I started in September 2011 and finished at the end of last year.  It was a great and life changing experience. I started in the (free) morning class first but after a few months, I switched to an evening class ( fee paying), so I could finish earlier. It was a challenge to work on the assignments and exams but by the grace of God I have managed to do it and have been successful in finishing it.
The course was actually a two year course but because of the changes in FETAC we had to do two years in one which meant that we had to do more work than normal.
But by the grace of God I completed everything on time and managed to get full distinctions for all 8 modules. I now have the full award Childcare FETAC level 5 and am qualified to work as a childcare worker. Glory to God ! I’m grateful to God for putting this in my heart and guiding me in doing this training and I’m looking forward to what is yet to come.

In the past months I have done a lot of work experience in childcare centres and I know now that I would like to have a Montessori preschool. I love working with kids and imparting knowledge to them.
I applied to go to college in the fall and have been offered a place for the Montessori Diploma, a one year course. Glory to God !

I want to get more training so I can offer the children in my care more and with Gods grace I’m going to do what I decided to do in my heart all those years ago.
I’m going to get the qualifications that I need and I'm going to start my own childcare centre.

Be encouraged that it’s never too late to learn something new, even if you’re like me, a mum with three children of which two were under four years old when I did the childcare course.
If your dream is from God, He will make a way and lead it so that it will come to pass.

Don’t ever give up on your dreams. Follow your heart.
You are created and designed for great things.
Even though it is such a privilege and blessing to be a mum and our role as a mum is very rewarding, it doesn’t have to end there.

We are more than just mums…

So go for it, follow your dream.

I know I will. (by Gods grace)

Everyone of them….



You have a wonderful blog!! I'm your newest GFC & Bloglovin follower from the “I Love My Post“ blog hop - this is my blog if you wanted to follow back:
PS – I would also like to invite you to a networking blog hop that lasts 1 month long: “The Chain Linky CLIMB” currently live on my blog– Thank you! Chain Linky CLIMB
Chan said…
Hi Angie, thanks for stopping by and following. I just followed you back and will try to link up soon.
mail4rosey said…
What a beautiful post. I'm visiting today from Love My Post, I enjoyed reading your positive message.
Chan said…
@mail4rosey Thank you so much ! I hope that you'll be back.
Ang Paris said…
I'm stopping by today from "I Love My Post" and loving your uplifting post!
Hope you're having a great day,
- Ang
Chan said…
Hi Angela, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad that you enjoyed my blog post. Will visit your blog soon.
Have a great day too !

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