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A toddler bedroom tour: Peppa pig room

I never really had baby rooms for my babies. So after we brought Nevaeh home, she had a little corner in my room. She had her crib, a changing unit and closet in my bedroom with her clothes in it and a nappy stacker on the door. But I always planned on getting her, her own bedroom one day.
I saw video’s on youtube of baby rooms in the bird theme and fell in love with that theme. I loved the Pottery Barn theme and wanted to give her a room with birds and owls, a little bit like in that theme. So I started shopping last year and thinking of ideas for her room. I never really got to making that room though. Apart from hanging up a frame or two, it always stayed a plan.

This Summer Yovannah got her own Hello Kitty room for her birthday and afterwards we also did the other bedrooms. Nevaeh and Yovannah are really close and they both love Peppa Pig a lot. And Nevaeh now loves Peppa pig a bit more than Yovannah does. So when we asked her what kind of room she wanted she said a Peppa pig room.
So even though I still hoped to be able to get the bird theme that I had planned, I wanted to give Nevaeh what she wanted since she was so now old enough to decide and she was sure about what she wanted.

When decorating it though, I realised that I easily could combine the themes a little bit so I could still use the things that I bought already. I just hoped that she would love the bird themed thing as well. And to my surprise she did ! So she ended up getting a Peppa pig room with a touch of bird theme and even a little of this and that. (Minnie mouse, Disney Princess and an allacorn )

We actually don’t have a lot of Peppa pig in it at the moment. Just here and there some of it. I’m still planning to get her Peppa pig curtains and bedding one day.
I love how it turned out even though I originally had a lot of other ideas for it, things in the bird theme that I would make myself.
It is a very colourful room and one of my favourite rooms in my house.

I hope that you like it too. So here is a little tour of the bedroom of Nevaeh- Divine.

On the left wall, a Peppa pig border I bought on adverts .ie for 8 euro. Later I found out that similar borders are for sale in B&Q.

 On the wall is a picture of Nevaeh,( the frame is from Lidl,) her Peppa pig bag (from the carboot sale) and a onesie that I decorated for her on her baby welcoming party.

At the window, there is a book case with some books and a few things on it. The painting in the pink frame on the right, I made myself with the computer program Paint.

The little picnic set (already ruined by the kids) is from Sasse and Belle, bought online on Zulily.

On the right side is her closet. The Minnie mouse tutu dress that she was wearing on her first birthday is hanging on the door. This was bought in an etsy shop: SCbydesign.

At the left of the door there are hooks bought on Zulily. They are from Sass and Belle.
On the hooks her tutu outfit from Papatou  bought on Zulily, Read more and see more pics from this outfit in this post.

At the right of the door a picture frame thing from Sass and Belle, also bought on Zulily.
Under the dress is a blackboard sticker bought in a local shop. 


In this corner on a chest of drawers is a Minnie Mouse, bought on the carboot sale.

The right wall:
Peppa pig foam stickers bought in B&Q.
And some smaller stickers from a Peppa Pig magazine and a picture from Nevaeh.

On the floor Disney princess organizer bought in Woodies (few years ago) with her play house (from Smyths) on it and a  Peppa Pig toy dressing table bought on

In the corner; her chest of drawers from IKEA bought on adverts. ie On it a Disney Princess tv.(bought on carboot sale) At the right, more hooks in bird theme from Sasse and Belle, bought on Zulily. 

Her bed.

She currently has a double bed so I can lie next to her. We will probably change this eventually to a toddler bed or single bed. I found bedding in bird theme in Heatons and she has a Peppa Pig
 and George Pig and birds etc from the carboot sale and a Peppa pig pillow from B&Q.on her bed.

She also has a lamp shade from Peppa pig and now a Peppa pig piggy bank but I will show these in an updated room tour in the future. The lamp shade is from Woodies.
The Peppa pig piggy bank was bought on the car boot sale in Tallaght Stadium, where we often shop for second hand treasures.

I hope that you enjoyed Nevaehs bedroom tour. She loves her own bedroom and that makes my mummy heart glad.

What kind of bedroom does your child have ?

I would love to hear from you.

Love and blessings,

Have you heard about Zulily before ? Zulily is a website especially for mums and kids where you can buy a lot of cool stuff from different brands with high discounts. You can register through this link.
 (This link is from the UK website. For Zulily in US, go to Zulily.)

Disclaimer : I am not in anyway compensated for writing this post, but if you register for Zulily via the above link and place an order, I am entitled to receive free store credit for the referral.


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