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A few more goals for May (Day 8)

It has not been easy to make sure to post on my blog every day. I normally don’t have posts done in advance, ready to be published. I had a few on my old laptop but i lost them when the hard drive broke. And I have two on this one and one on paper somewhere, which are not completely finished or need to be updated but I don’t really feel like doing those posts either.
And lately I have been playing a game online which just takes up your time (haha, I do it instead of watching tv though ) and so these last two days I only started writing a post, when I thought about going to bed. Bad, I know !

Since it is an hour later in Ireland and my blog still has Irish time, I still managed to publish ‘on time.’
But for the coming time I’m going to try to start writing some posts in advance.
School starts again tomorrow so I will be starting with a new daily schedule and I have set some time apart to spend on blogging and blog-related things.
Doing the 30 day challenge of wearing dresses and skirts every day has not been easy either.
It takes more time to get ready , because I really need to look at which outfit to put together for the day. And then I need to remember to get a picture taken and finally post it on facebook. (If I am a bit honest having the picture taken is the hardest part and I sometimes get a little tired of it)
I have done all of it except from posting online. I am a little behind !!
But I had some problems with picasa too so it was not easy to get the pictures uploaded to my laptop either.  The challenge that came with it, to put some make up on and make sure my hair looks decent, has been a lot easier. I am getting better in it and it still goes quite fast.
I am still happy with these goals though and I have thought about what other goals I could add for myself for the month of May.
So I am going to share them in this post.

-Increasing physical activity.

It is clear from my pictures that I was in better shape last Summer and for the last years I have always had some physical activity whether it was walking a lot, jogging, fitness with tv or youtube or really going to a gym and do classes and workouts there.
The only physical activity I have now is walking up and down to school, shops and appointments from the girls, all here in Ijburg. It is probably not enough. I really can’t wait to join a gym again.
The warm weather is here, so no more coats to hide under.  This really is mandatory !

-Organizing the whole house

It Is time. I want the house organized. No excuses. It needs to be done. I know that I have little ‘mess makers’  who make it a little hard and that I really have a lot on my mind lately. But I know we can do this. I’m going for it !

-Creating a bed room that I love.

Since the girls love to stay over in my room, this is currently the least organized place in the house. Unacceptable ! It is going to become a ‘mommy place’ again. A place that I love to see and to be in and that I one day can share with another grown up again. Bye girlies ! J

-Learn to cook Romanian food.

I have been learning Romanian and really feel connected to this country and the people and I really think it would be nice to learn to cook Romanian food. So I want to try to at least make one Romanian dish this month.

-Give more grace to myself and be more patient with myself

I am someone who can be really hard on myself. I somehow seem to really expect perfection from myself. I can feel really bad when something does not go as planned and I can really blame myself for stuff that does not work out or I get disappointed in decisions that I have made or things that I have forgotten or failed to do or the way that I have reacted to something.
I’m trying  apart from giving grace to others, to also give grace to myself and to not be so hard on myself. I am not perfect, life will never be perfect. I can strive for perfection but it is okay that I’m not.

-Drink more water daily.

This one will not be easy. I have tried it a lot of times. You always read everywhere how healthy drinking water is and how it can help with weight loss. I have not been able to stick with it for more than a few days. I would love for it to become a habit. The warm weather is here and it is good to stay hydrated.
Water it is !!

So these are my extra goals for this month. I will keep you updated about it and I hope that I will be able to succeed in my goals.
Do you have any special goals for this month ? Or do you have goals/resolutions  that you made at the beginning of the year ?
I would love to hear from you.

Love and blessings,


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