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Happies and Crappies

Today I wanted to do a Happies and Crappies post about things that were very okay lately and things that have not been okay.


The bouncy castle has arrived. After more than 1,5 years the girls finally have access to the bouncy castle again. My mum was so kind to post it to us from Suriname where we spent two months and where we had left it for the time being. We only have not been able to use it yet. Mainly because the blower has an Irish plug so I need a special plug adapter to be able to use it here in the Netherlands. I tried to find it here in Ijburg today but I've not yet been succesful in finding it. So the girls will have to wait a little bit longer before they can jump on it again.

After spending the whole weekend without a bank card, yesterday evening it finally turned up.
I knew that I had left it on the table on Thursday afternoon but it was not there in the evening. Later that day the smallies had been playing close to the table with a big box which they had loaded loads of stuff in and Yovannah went to sit in it, waiting for me to take a picture.
I already had wondered if my bankcard had ended up inside the box and I had looked in it a little bit but not throughly yet. And then one of the girls decided to clutter the livingroom floor with stuff out of the box for some reason. Ofcourse I was not pleased with it at all, but then I remembered that the bankcard could have ended up in the box, so I quickly looked at the stuff on the floor and yes. my orange card was lying under a bunch of stuff. Yay ! It was about time because I was running out of cash.

Yovannah in the box she went to sit in for fun

I found a tray for planting veggies in the Blokker today. We have a lot of tiny veggy gardens , the so called 'moestuimtjes' from the Albert Heijn but somehow we were too late in purchasing the tray that you could use with it. I was quite disappointed when I realised that we could not buy it anymore. But now I feel so blessed that we've found something else instead. God is good ! So I hope to plant all the veggy gardens this week with the smallies, when we have a free afternoon. We have to hurry because it is almost June.

I found a bag with garden soil for my garden in my local supermarket for 1,25. It was the last one so even though I was walking, I purchased the 25 kg weighing, bag of sand and carried it home, while thinking ; this weighs heavier than Nevaeh and I never walk so far carrying her either. But I managed. Well, I had no choice if I wanted the bag of sand to make it to the garden. I hope that it will be enough to fill up the big gap in the garden, possibly caused by the smallies who tend to use it as a sandpit.
We got invited to a social shopping day where we could pick out some free new clothes. I got a new pink coat for the summer, two skirts, shorts and figure skates. And then I got a card to shop at a special discount shop where I could get things like a bag of diapers for 0,90 cents which would normally cost around 7 euro. I really felt so blessed. God is good,

One of the new skirts that I got for free


The appointment I made with a handy man, did not go through last week and he hasn't told me when he can make it. This means that the things that I had planned to have finished, are still not done.
Still some walls without paint or wallpaper and still no curtain rails.
Only God knows why....I have thought about trying it myself but so far I am way too busy with taking care of the girls and taking them to different appointments and so on.

My big little girl is still not well. She had to have a lot of tests done over the past weeks but I hope that the tests that we did today, are the last ones and that it will be clear what causes her problems and that she can get the right treatment for it. But more than that, we believe that God can and will heal her. So even though this is not an easy time, I'm keeping my eyes on God and I'm praising Him in advance that this illness will soon disappear from our lives in Jesus' name !

What were your happies and crappies from this past week ?

I would love to hear from you.



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